What Is a Power Member? Power Memberships are available to local chapter members who want the additional benefits of ATD national membership. With a Power Membership, you can combine your local and national ATD memberships and SAVE BIG! Step 1: Become a local member of ROC ATD Step 2: Once you have joined ROC ATD, visit the ATD store to become a national ATD member. On the payment page, enter NY-Rochester or the chapter's ChIP code: 2083 to receive the special ATD annual Power Member rate. If you prefer, you can call ATD Customer Care at 1.800.628.2783 and provide our chapter’s ChIP* code. Please note that the Power Member discount of $30 is only applicable to one year and is based on individual membership rates. Don’t forget:
Also: an option to consider is the Professional Plus Power Membership, which offers all of the same benefits as a Power Professional membership plus the 99 Micro Course Library, through which your knowledge is assessed and content is tailored in real-time to meet your individual learning needs.
To learn more about Power Membership, click here.
Go to Why Join ATD to learn more about ATD membership!