Virtual Facilitator Certification
Become a Virtual Training Hero!
Engagement, change, innovation, clarity and focus; what all leaders and talent development professionals strive for in their work. Here is your opportunity to master your virtual environment and create the impact you aspire to!
This 8-session certification (2 in-person and 6 online) gives participants the experience of working with and learning directly from Kassy LaBorie, a 25-year virtual training veteran, author, consultant, and globally recognized facilitator and presenter. This special offer is an opportunity to engage with Kassy in the same way she consults with her clients which includes: the synchronous classroom experience, her expertise, the certification, robust handouts, tools, and templates, content from her various books, and an understanding of what it means to be a virtual training hero!
Special Pricing for ROCATD Members and Partners!
May 1st kick off!
Benefits of partnering with Kassy:
Please join us and reshape your virtual impact with the incredible
Kassy LaBorie!
Dates and Times:
ATD - Rochester Chapter #10911100 Jefferson Rd Suite 12Rochester, NY 14623
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