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  • Tue, November 10, 2020 1:29 PM | Robert Peter

    Thanks for a great zoom session.

    Some of the best practices that we shared:

    To address the challenge of split groups (virtual/live)

    • Use Reaction Icons during session (be sure that you show participants how to use them at the beginning of the session)
    • Encourage all participants to have laptop/phone and be logged-into session, use CHAT to keep everyone engaged
    • Don't go it alone, have a producer, chat monitor, or meeting admin work with you (facilitator) to help with information flow and interactive elements - this can be someone on your team or your client's team
    • Place all virtual participants in their own break-out room and allow for others to visit them there (controls in-person session distractions)
    • Utilize peer coaching by having partners share phone numbers and complete activities together during the session

    To address the challenges of break-out groups:

    • Consider whether visiting the breakouts is beneficial to the flow or a distraction, plus you need to re-share sound and reset other options once you leave the main room as the facilitator
    • How much time in the break-outs is the right amount?  Consider 3 of participants and activity/goal of the breakout.  Also, provide clear expectations around groups, timing, and recall
    • Upon return of break--out groups to main room, keep break-out groups window open with video window so you can call on participants and scroll feeds
    • Consider pre-assigning a group lead to help facilitate the break-out activities as well as report on results
    Article-based discussion points:
    • Best amount of time for virtual training, depends on session, content, and audience
    • 1.5hr -4hr blocks seemed to be consensus ensuring "bridge" activities between training sessions/modules
    • Run a pilot prior to sessions, start early to check all technology and equipment, remember to start recording(s) if applicable
    • Know the technology and equipment you are using (don't experiment during the session)
    • Run dual monitors, one as facilitator other as cohost or participant depending on your goals
    • 90/20/4 rule, most content to max of 20min with participant re-engagement every 4min.
    • Re-engagement tools:
      • Chat
      • Survey/Polls (limit for most effective uses - gaging experience, comparative among participants, direction/focus/priority)
      • Whiteboard (interactive, review how to access and the tools prior to use with participants)
      • Questions and response via text, share your number with your trainees
      • Reactions
      • Videos (ensure applicable, best a combo of expertise with graphical context vs. just another speaker speaking)
      • Break-out groups (ensure clear instructions for activities and desired outcomes)

    Articles we discussed: a Training Magazine Sep/Oct article, The Virtual Trainer (Part 1) p40.

  • Thu, September 10, 2020 9:16 AM | Robert Peter

    Zoom meeting September 9, 2020

    This was an opportunity to discuss consulting challenges, what has been working, and thoughts on sustaining and growing business moving into 2021.  

    Three articles to review.

  • Tue, August 11, 2020 3:55 PM | Robert Peter

    Lindsey joined us for our ROCATD Consultant's CoP on Aug 11th and requested she share this information with our network (Bob P.).

    Lindsey E.

    I recently registered for Training Industry's Certified Professional in Training Management (CPTM) program. This program is focused on the training manager role, with an emphasis on building training programs that align with business needs. The program has three steps: approximately 50 hours of online content, a four-day live practicum, and an exam, together estimated to take about 2-3 months to complete.

    As a current Training Manager, I had my eye on this for a bit. My formal educational background is in teaching secondary education and now I've been in the corporate environment for nearly nine years. With recent changes to my team structure increasing our reach within the organization, I wanted to build on my Bachelor's in Secondary Education, Masters in Management and experience in training software to customers, taking the next step in managing a training department at the organizational level. And as a passionate L&D professional, I'm always eager to learn more and build my portfolio.

    The relaxed social obligation calendar, thanks to a global pandemic, created an opportune time to place energy in personal and professional development. Having reviewed a few programs, I settled on the CPTM for the specificity on training management, as well as the open eligibility requirements. I'm about half way into the online content and I'm really enjoying it. It's placing definition and reasoning behind things I already felt and filling the gaps on what I didn't previously understand or recognize.

    Here is the link for more information:



  • Tue, July 21, 2020 2:08 PM | JoAnne Sims

    Mary-Frances Winters, founder of the Winters Group, a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consultancy spoke to Berrett-Koehler virtually about recent events in the racial justice movement. Her latest book, Black Fatigue, which will come out in the fall from B-K, focuses on the exhaustion that many minorities experience being asked to educate well intentioned whites about their experience. She reflected on how her work has changed over time starting from an emphasis on diversity being a business imperative to it now being about social justice and the right thing to do for the survival of the entire human race.

  • Mon, June 15, 2020 2:33 PM | Robert Peter

    In case you missed our collaborative webinar with our Greater Rochester Chamber on June 9th, here is the recording.  A special thank you to Leanne and John for facilitating this session.

  • Tue, March 31, 2020 10:20 AM | Robert Peter

    A few of us connected this morning to discuss the topic of moving from Consultant to Trusted Adviser.  I enjoyed the chance to connect and share some ideas during our Consultant Community of Practice.

    Note from participant:

    Thank so much for welcoming and including me in this morning's Zoom meeting. I really enjoyed the discussion and appreciated connecting with you an Leanne.  Individual and organizational learning and development is something about which I a very passionate and truly enjoy collaborating with leaders and teams to support.  I look forward to getting more involved in ATD.  -- Jody

       Jody Dietz,

    Jody is also in-transition.  Please check-out her experience, connect and share any thoughts that you have that may be helpful.  

    Lastly, join us on Friday for our Corporate Learning and Development Community of Practice zoom meeting,  The topic is "Distractibality".

    Stay healthy -- Bob.

  • Fri, March 27, 2020 9:13 AM | Robert Peter

    Local chamber resources, thanks for sharing Jennifer. In case you were going to send out a follow-up email, if it helps, here’s the link to our Coronavirus resource page:

  • Thu, February 06, 2020 2:01 PM | JoAnne Sims
    ROCATD 2020 CoP calendar       2/1/2020
    Date Day/time Community of Practice Topic Lead
    Jan 23 Th 12pm Organization Development ATD Capability Model J. Sims
    Feb 7 F 7:30am Corp. Learning and Develop Brand and vision J. Wiser
    Feb 25 T 5pm Member meeting Pane Vino  
    Feb 27 Th 12pm Organization Development Change management  
    Mar 6 F 7:30am Corp. Learning and Develop    
    Mar 10 T 7:30am Consultants Best practices B. Peter
    Apr 3 F 7:30am Corp. Learning and Develop    
    Apr 23 Th 12pm Organization Development Future readiness  
    May 1 F 7:30am Corp. Learning and Develop    
    May 5 T 7:30am Consultants Marketing  
    Jun 5 F 7:30am Corp. Learning and Develop    
    Jun 25 Th 12pm Organization Development OD and culture  
    Jul 14 T 7:30am Consultants Digital trends  
             to register subject to change  

ATD - Rochester Chapter  #1091
1100 Jefferson Rd Suite 12
Rochester, NY 14623

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